What Is An Example Of Korido

What is an example of korido



           Korido is a form of Philippine literature or type of poem which is a part of Spanish influence. It is a generic term used for Filipino romance songs or poems, also known as metric romances. It consists of 8 syllables each line and four lines each paragraph. It is often recited as melodic poem. An example of a korido is "Ibong Adarna" which is a story of brotherhood their love for each other and their father. It was written during the Spanish Era and became part of mythologies and Philippine literature.  

           This korido was first known as the life experiences of the sons of King Fernando and Queen Valeriana of Kingdom Berbania. It talks about heroism, love, and mysteries. The story is centered on a bird known as Adarna who possess magical powers which can heal any sort of sicknesss the moment the bird opens its mouth and begin to sing. It is also the story of a prince named Juan, one of the three sons of King Fernando who became friends with Princess Maria Blanca and Princess Leonora. A lot of people believe that this korido was written by Jose dela Cruz also known as "Huseng Sisiw."






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