Example Of A Movie That Will Make You Reflect Values As An Individual

Example of a movie that will make you reflect values as an individual

Cast Away.

One moment, the guy (on the movie) gets on his plane for his job. Then the next moment, the plane crashed into the ocean and washes up on an island. The next 4 years of survival are moment to moment for him. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, an opportunity washes up and he makes the decision to take it and act on it. After some hard work and planning, a moment comes that his life changes once again and he puts all those other moments behind him.

You never, ever know what the next moment will bring. It could be something completely amazing- just one instance that changes everything. It could be a moment of devastation- another instance that renders life forever changed.

Moral Lesson:

  • Take each moment for what it is because the next moment can bring something completely different. You never know when or what or how..

In other words, cherish every moment. Enjoy every moment as if it is your last day on earth. In your studies, dont memorize every single word, just understand them, no need to memorize, dont pressure yourself, enjoy. Life is too short. Learn to enjoy your life with the people you love. Cherish every moment with them, because yoll never know when or where theyll leave you for a reason. Remember, theres no permanent in this world, everything might change in a snap, even those whom you cherished your every moment with.


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